6 Lawn Maintenance Tips for New Homeowners
6 Lawn Maintenance Tips for New Homeowners
Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or you’ve just moved into a new house, you’re just beginning your yard care journey at that location. Each lawn is different, but the good news is that there are tips that apply to all types of yards. By following these lawn maintenance tips for new homeowners, you can ensure the health of your new yard.
Read up on the grass in your yard.
Each type of grass has a specific set of needs. Though you may have been dealing with a certain kind of grass, your new home may have a different type. Before you even turn on your hose or mower, do some research to determine what type of grass you have in your yard. That way, you can best assess its needs.
Learn about any HOA requirements.
First-time homeowners may be unused to HOA, or Homeowner’s Association, requirements. Make sure that you learn yours in detail—especially those that pertain to your yard. Your lawn is the main thing that people will see when walking or driving by, so it stands to reason that you need to follow regulations closely. Otherwise, you could find yourself on the receiving end of a letter from your HOA.
Deal with the weeds first.
Another important addition to our lawn maintenance tips for new homeowners: get rid of your weeds immediately. You don’t want the weeds to benefit from your efforts positive grass-growing efforts.
Don’t do everything at once.
If you’ve just moved into your new home, you have a lot on your plate. Instead of hauling plants and soil from your local outdoor store, wait until you’re settled in. Then, you can get to work gardening and planting—without all of the stress.
Set a schedule.
Moving, unpacking, and cleaning—settling into a new home can be stressful. To take some of the weight off of your schedule, set a lawn care schedule. That way, you know when to mow, when to water your lawn, when to deal with your weeds, and so on. Plus, the peace of mind you receive will be a comfort, too.
Find the right equipment.
For a healthy lawn, you need trusted, effective lawn equipment—like products from Husqvarna. When you move to your new home, make sure that you bring or buy the right equipment with you.
Owning a home is a huge accomplishment. Soon, you’re going to set an example for the neighborhood, too. After all, you have these lawn maintenance tips for new homeowners on your side!
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